How NASH can harm your health

NASH can impact more than your liver. It may be associated with other health problems.

NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) can scar your liver and lead to cirrhosis (severe scarring or fibrosis), liver cancer, the need for a liver transplant, and even death. NASH is associated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.

NASH can directly increase your risk of:


NASH with liver scarring can become cirrhosis (severe liver scarring) if left unmanaged. About 1 in 5 people with NASH and advanced liver scarring will develop cirrhosis in as little as 2 years.

Liver transplant

The leading cause of liver transplants in women is NASH. It's the second leading cause for men.

Liver cancer

About 1 in 8 people with NASH and cirrhosis will develop liver cancer within 4 years. However, liver cancer can also occur in people who have NASH without cirrhosis.

Shortened life span

NASH can shorten life expectancy, so it's important to manage it as soon as possible.

Additionally, NASH is associated with:

Type 2 diabetes

Heart disease


NASH is a leading cause of liver transplants among men and women in the US,

beating out other forms of hepatitis and alcohol abuse.

Don’t wait to get tested if you think you may have NASH.

Having a doctor check for NASH is important because most people don’t have any symptoms in the early stages.

While NASH can have severe health consequences, the liver has amazing powers of recovery. There are steps you can take now to help slow or even reverse the disease.

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While NASH can have severe health consequences, the liver has amazing powers of recovery. There are steps you can take now to help slow or even reverse the disease.

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